If there is a heaven, I think it will be something like the 14th annual Beasley Park Skateboard Jam (without the sore back the next day). Despite the first day of the jam being rained out, the second day was great fun. I wasn't even going to bring my board, but the neighbour's kid convinced me to, and I'm glad he did. I also brought the Fakiegrind camera and caught a few moments of the Massive Skateboard Destruction.
That was rad.
wowie! gr8 pix...i'm glad u took ur camera too.
Thanx! Hey, how did ur comment get past the newspeak shield generator?
Wait! I'm doin it 2! Wot's happening?!
GREAT pics Flatlander
Thanx for the gander
Into this Event
So glad you went!
It has been skateboarding weather lately.
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