I recently added these disks to my collection:

When disco man and woman meet on the dance floor--watch out!

Dear Dan: your crappy disco record is safe with me.

And the Sleaziest Santa Ever award goes too...

maintaining provocative silence since 03-08
Ho Ho Ho, Did you get that thing I sent ya?
By "that thing," are you referring to the new Alvin & the Chipmonks CD? Because you may have sent zero of those to me. I know because I'm a scientist. You just can't question these things.
by the look on her face i think santa is giving her more than a "look". santa is so special!
"Oh Santa, is that a candy cane in your pocket?"
It's entirely the wrong holiday season for that joke.
Santa has a creepy look in his eyes. Scary.
santa always sports a "supercane" in his poctet.
it may be the wrong holiday season for these jokes, but we are simply boning up for when the right season does arrive.
very funky disco grind header.
Alvin and the Chipmonks aided Osama Bin Laden in Tora Bora. So did a well known blogger...
Dun dun dun...
Nice banner! That one looks like a keeper. Retro. I think one of our random logos has that font... but there must be a thousand fonts just like it.
I stole that font from the front of an old record LP from the 70s. Had to customize a couple letters that didn't appear on the original source. Now I can add "Typefont Developper" to my resume.
But the Roboshrub Randomized Banner Generator really sets the standard as far as websites go.
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