I am Pookey, and you are now my servant. Yes, you cannot resist my hypnotic powers of persuasion. I know what you want. You want to snuggle the monkey. This could be arranged. But first you must do as I say. First you must leave a comment on Fakiegrind saying just how much you love that master of hypnotism, that surfer of the timestream, Xister.
Xister is the new commander of Fakiegrind. Flatlander is a washed-up has-been. You will leave a comment for Xister, welcoming him as new lord and master of Fakiegrind, and, by proxy, the entire internet. Yes, Pookey has some monkey snuggle love for you. Pookey will make the nighty-time nasty-pies go by-by. Pookey is the super-fantastic vampire-slaying night light by your bed side. And you will do exactly what Pookey commands.
Ahhh! It's a trap! Don't.......must sleep now
beautiful, lovely, sleep.....ZZZZZZZZZ
How did you know I was at the zoo yesterday and was thinking about getting a monkey of my own to snuggle with?
I'm not tired, I'm just resting my eye'sssszzzzzzzzzzzzzz.
I DON'T BELIEVE FOR A MINUTE THat I'mm beeiinggggggggg hyyyypnnnnnnnnnnnoooooooooo.......
Loved the site. I created this site hypnosis in the hope that it would be useful and informative. I hope you get a chance to take a look.
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