Today is a good day for__________________. The biggest problem with the youth today is___________________. Suddenly, the aliens landed in the capitol and demanded___________________. Scientists have proven that utopian thinking can lead to bouts of____________________. It only takes a slight adjustment to the controls to turn a dilapidated old Chrysler into a___________________. Leaving comments on blogs gives me a feeling of_________________________. The sun is a giant nuclear reactor that I use for my own personal____________________. I have always wanted to make cookies using_________________.

That about does it, methinks. Please sit back, relax, and ckick here while we initiate the Mind Wipe.
Today is a good day for eatin' a big ol' bowl of puddin'. The biggest problem with the youth today is that they don't care enough about the state of the union. Suddenly, the aliens landed in the capitol and demanded a new docudrama staring Sean Connery. Scientists have proven that utopian thinking can lead to bouts of clinical paranoia, depression, and mumbling. It only takes a slight adjustment to the controls to turn a dilapidated old Chrysler into a time machine/submarine with just a hint of lime. Leaving comments on blogs gives me a feeling of impending doom. The sun is a giant nuclear reactor that I use for my own personal sauna. I have always wanted to make cookies using chopsticks and psychosis.
Today is a good day for sleeping in. The biggest problem with the youth today is they don’t know how to drive. Suddenly, the aliens landed in the capitol and demanded to speak with Mr. Jack of Jack in the Box. Scientists have proven that utopian thinking can lead to bouts of depression. It only takes a slight adjustment to the controls to turn a dilapidated old Chrysler into a huffy ten speed. Leaving comments on blogs gives me a feeling of self worth. The sun is a giant nuclear reactor that I use for my own personal light bulb. I have always wanted to make cookies using beer.
Sorry Xister, Fakiegrind has been upgraded with state-of-the-art anti-hypnotism firewall screens. These fellows answered the questionaire strictly through the promptings of their own majestically twisted Free Wills.
We have agents working on the secret Beer Cookie Recipe at this writing.
.....and now for some puddin'! :)
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