Thursday, April 28, 2005

Warning to Readers

Since Kill-Joy's posting of the Fakiegrind T-shirt offer yesterday, cases of Pepsi have been arriving constatly at Central Command--which is strange because we have never published our mailing address on the site. I think it must be The Feds. I'm pretty sure they are breeding a Clone Army of Fakiegrind wannabees who will flood the cities, sporting their T-shirts and acting like freaks, thereby ruining the street cred that we have been so carefully building up these past months. So we're posting this warning to all true Fakiegrinders out there: DON'T BE FOOLED BY IMITATORS. If you see someone tooling down the sidewalk in a Fakiegrind shirt, throwing fistfulls of Cheetos at strangers and singing the theme song from Eight is Enough , make sure you look for the official FG endorsement tag lovingly sewn into the hem of each garment at our Indonesian offices. Failing that, ask for the official FG handshake. If they even so much as reach for your paw set phazers to "lame" because there isn't an official FG handshake. Hah! Joke's on you Fed flunkies. Get a life first, before you go start trying to act all "old". Anyway, we're working on a new Fakiegrind theme song that you can sing in the shower, or on the subway even:

You take the good
You take the bad
You take it all
And there you have
Fakiegrind, weblog of Champions!
(secret password goes here)

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